What a great artist is she. her drawings and paintings are amazing . You must follow her on instagram . After seeing her paintings on her instagram , I can’t wait myself of writing about her in our magazine. UKRAIN IS LOVE . GREAT PAINTERS HAVE BEEN MADEFROM UKRAIN . FOLLOW ANNA BRIUKHOVETSKA ON INSTAGRAMContinue reading “ANNA BRIUKHOVETSKA”


WHAT is otaku ? Morikawa Kaichirō identifies the subculture as distinctly Japanese, a product of the school system and society. Japanese schools have a class structure which functions as clubs are an exception to the social hierarchy. In these clubs, a student’s interests will be recognized and nurtured, catering to the interests of otaku. Secondly, theContinue reading “otaku”

The Superfluous Taboo Requirement of Being “Fair”

Is Independence Day only about celebrating our freedom from the British rule, our Indian cultures and traditions or witnessing our Tiranga flying up high with parades and cultural functions across the country, is it only about this? I doubt… Well, voicing the long distance that our country has come, crossing rivers and dales of hitchesContinue reading “The Superfluous Taboo Requirement of Being “Fair””


Covid-19, a Pandemic that not only put one nation but the entire world on standstill. Social distancing not only became a hashtag in fact a way of living, especially thanks to the evolved technology the world somehow found a way for its existence and is surviving at its best  I remember the initial stage whenContinue reading “QUARANTINED WITH KIDS”


What Is COVID-19? It is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses aren’t dangerous. In early 2020, after a December 2019 in China, the World Health Organization identified SARS-CoV-2 as a new type of virus. The outbreak quickly spread around the world. Corona is a diseaseContinue reading “COVID-19”


Kautubh is a multi talented person who is civil engineer and also a great artist . You must check his paintings below . Check out his work and share with friends. He is really passionate towards his work. If you want to be like him you must follow him and contact him for more information.Continue reading “KAUTUBH KHADSE”

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